Tuesday, February 27, 2018


Judy Royal Glenn Photography

Did you know the green tree frog is the official state amphibian of Georgia?
Thanks to a sweet friend who found the frog and another friend who helped me put him where I wanted him, I was able to get this shot! Needless to say, we had a hopping good time trying to do so!!

This photo was taken at the State Botanical Garden of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.

Thursday, February 22, 2018


Judy Royal Glenn Photography
Immature male ruby-throated hummingbird

I noticed there was an injury to this hummingbird’s beak. Maybe he got it caught in the mesh on someone’s back patio. I think he will be easy to spot this year!

Anyone else excited to see them next month? 

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Majestic Creature

"Majestic Creature"
Judy Royal Glenn Photography

Remember this little fellow I found back in 2016? The link to that post can be found here. 

Well, I've got some neat news to share with you. I finally got the software to edit my videos, and on the day I took this barred owl's photograph, I also took video of him too.

In this video, you can see him peacefully resting under a tree.

In this YouTube video, I talk during the video explaining how the Lord helped me find the barred owl.

Location: The State Botanical Garden of Georgia, Athens, Georgia

Wednesday, February 14, 2018


Judy Royal Glenn Photography

I thought it was the perfect color on the perfect day to share this photograph of a red tulip. It had been hiding in my files for almost a full year! Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone!!

Location: The State Botanical Garden of Georgia

Friday, February 9, 2018

A Forest of Trees

“A Forest of Trees”
Judy Royal Glenn Photography

It looks like a forest of trees growing on this soap bubble:) What do you see?

Watching the bubbles starting to freeze is truly amazing. I put a video of it on YouTube. My how-to directions are written in the Youtube description, and I list two recipes that I use.

If you have never seen a video of it start to freeze, you will be glad you did:) If you missed my last post about frozen soap bubbles, click here. An earlier post of a frozen soap bubble can be found here. Or if you would like to go straight to my YouTube page to see the video click here.

Here is my favorite recipe for frozen soap bubbles. I don't like adding sugar because it sometimes shows up in the bubble. The recipe is: 6 parts water, 2 parts dish soap,1 part white corn syrup
(The small batch I make is: 1 ½ c. water, ½ c. dish soap, ¼ c. corn syrup) 
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