Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Soaring Above Cades Cove

“Soaring Above Cades Cove”
Judy Royal Glenn Photography


A female Northern Harrier soars above the snowy mountains in Cades Cove, Tennessee.


Many people don’t go to the Cove in the winter and miss seeing so much beauty. Yes, the Bears are enjoying their winter rest, but they, too, still come out here and again. I’ve photographed one standing in it.


I love the winter visitors to the Cove—not the human type, but Short-eared Owls and Northern Harriers. I love photographing them. They are hit and miss—they’ll be out, and some days, they are hiding.


Please feel free to visit my website:

Location: Cades Cove, Tennessee in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park


#northernharrier #hawk #GreatSmokyMountainsNationalPark #GSMNP #SmokyMountains #smokies #GreatSmokyMountains #Christianphotography #Christianphotographer #raptorsofinstagram #raptors #northernharrierhawk

Monday, July 22, 2024

Bahama Pintail Duck

“Bahama Pintail Duck”
Judy Royal Glenn Photography

I was thrilled to be greeted by a Bahama Pintail duck when we arrived at the Jardin Botanique De Deshaies in Guadeloupe. He kinda took my breath away—he is gorgeous. This duck has a mutation called leucistic which means it has less pigmentation in the skin. 

This dabbling duck has several other names as well i.e. white-cheeked pintail and summer duck. You may choose to call him whichever you want. To put the icing on the cake, he was swimming in a pond full of coy.

Please feel free to visit my website:

Thursday, July 18, 2024

“Ben Morton Overlook”

“Ben Morton Overlook”

Judy Royal Glenn Photography


The Ben Morton Overlook in Sevier County Tennessee has one of the most picturesque mountain views in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The sunsets there are gorgeous!


Please feel free to visit my website:

#CadesCove #GreatSmokyMountainsNationalPark #GSMNP #CadesCoveTennessee #SmokyMountains #smokies #GreatSmokyMountains #Christianphotography #Christianphotographer #landscapephotos #landscape

Location: The Great Smoky Mountains National Park



Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Frozen Trees Stand at Attention

“Frozen Trees Stand at Attention”
Judy Royal Glenn Photography

It’s Christmas in July, and boy, do these hot temperatures make me long for a snowy day in Cades Cove, Tennessee. Any day in Cades Cove is a good day, but add snow, and it is amazing. A good friend and I had a great day in January 2023.


Three frozen trees stood like soldiers standing at attention. They quickly caught my eye. It was eye candy. 


I also saw the Gray Ghost (the male Northern Harrier) and watched a buck and bear in the snow.


What more could I have asked for?


#CadesCove #GreatSmokyMountainsNationalPark #GSMNP #CadesCoveTennessee #SmokyMountains #smokies #GreatSmokyMountains #Christianphotography #Christianphotographer #landscapephotos #landscape


Please feel free to visit my website:

Location: Cades Cove, Tennessee in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park


Wednesday, July 3, 2024

“Hanging in There”


“Hanging in There”

Judy Royal Glenn Photography


I enjoyed watching this cub climb the pine tree. The bear family put on a show close to the road as I stood on a hill with a prime view. I’m glad I had my long lens.


You can read the reason for my title in my story below…


I’m sorry, bears, I didn’t get to visit you last week. I had COVID, and even though I wouldn’t be close enough to give you COVID, I didn’t want to get others sick.


I titled this photo to describe my state of being. It’s been a rough late spring and early summer. I had kidney stone surgery at the end of May. The antibiotic gave me C. diff. and chest pains, which ended in a trip to the ER. At my post-op appointment, they discovered I still have a kidney stone that is 4.6mm. I got about 120 chigger bites looking for Monarch caterpillars, then Covid last week.


Bears, it was good to see you this week. You make me smile!


To purchase wildlife and nature fine art prints, please visit my website:


Location: Cades Cove, Tennessee in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park


#CadesCove #GreatSmokyMountainsNationalPark #CadesCoveTN #GSMNP #CadesCoveTennessee #SmokyMountains #smokies #GreatSmokyMountains #Christianphotography #Christianphotographer #blackbearcub #blackbear


Wednesday, June 26, 2024

“A Silent Witness”

“A Silent Witness” 1/29/24

Judy Royal Glenn Photography


If this tree could talk, what would it say? Would it speak of the hard times during the winter when keeping the cabins warm was difficult? It could speak of the grief and sorrow the residents felt when a loved one passed away.


Or it could speak of a bundle of joy arriving today to an awaiting couple. May it would talk of seeing eight bears pass its way.


Whatever stories this tree holds, I am captivated by the mystery. It stands as a silent witness to the joys and sorrows of the Cove, and I find solace in capturing its beauty through my lens in every season.

Location: Cades Cove, Tennessee, in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park


#Landscapephotography #CadesCove #GreatSmokyMountainsNationalPark #CadesCoveTN #GSMNP #CadesCoveTennessee #SmokyMountains #smokies #GreatSmokyMountains   #Christianphotography #Christianphotographer 

Monday, June 24, 2024



Judy Royal Glenn Photography


Last spring, I photographed some fox kits in a lady's yard. She was kind enough to let me photograph them. 


They were so adorable. The momma moved them a short time after I found them:/ 

To purchase wildlife and nature fine art prints, please visit my website:

Location: Knoxville, Tennessee

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

“Bears, Butterflies, and Butterfly Milkweed”

“Bears, Butterflies, and Butterfly Milkweed”

Judy Royal Glenn Photography


I am learning more and more with my photography of envisioning a final shot. When I saw Mama Bear in a field, I positioned myself where she was near the butterfly milkweed. I think it makes for a neat story.


Mama Bear had a busy morning staying near the edge of Loop Road with her four spring cubs. Like Momma Bear, the spring cubs have learned so much and tried getting the grubs out of a downed tree.


She was so busy, but she took the time to say hi to the butterflies and smell the flowers:)

The End.

To purchase wildlife and nature fine art prints, please visit my website:

Location: Cades Cove, Tennessee, in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park


#CadesCove #GreatSmokyMountainsNationalPark #CadesCoveTN #GSMNP #CadesCoveTennessee #SmokyMountains #smokies #GreatSmokyMountains  #Wildlifephotography #Christianphotography #Christianphotographer #Blackbear #bear

Monday, June 17, 2024

The Seven Sisters

"The Seven Sisters"

Judy Royal Glenn Photography


Deep in Grenada's rainforest lie seven waterfalls called the Seven Sisters. While in the West Indies, we visited Grenada on an excursion from the Emerald Princess. 


The larger waterfall is majestic and feeds into a small waterfall below the beautiful pool. The other five waterfalls could not be viewed from our location. 


It was fun trekking into the rainforest to the falls. On the way there, we passed a small wooden shanty and borrowed a hiking stick. I even saw a hummingbird. The view is stunning! 


We were surprised to receive a free attraction—a man climbed the falls and did a backflip into the pool below. Of course, tips were encouraged. 


On the way back, we visited the shanty for a cold drink. It was a wonderful excursion.


I enjoy posting my cruise photos as I relive the experience again.


To purchase wildlife and nature fine art prints, please visit my website:

Location: Grenada, West Indies

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

"A Pilot Whale and Her First Mate"

"A Pilot Whale and Her First Mate"
Judy Royal Glenn Photography

St. Lucia was a wonderful place to visit when we took a two-week cruise from late November into December. Please see my previous blog here to read the details of this day.

We took a dolphin and whale cruise—it was magical! I love the image of this pilot whale because she and her baby are against the backdrop of St. Lucia.

To purchase wildlife and nature fine art prints, please visit my website:

#piolotwhale #WestIndies #StLucia


Friday, May 10, 2024

🐻🌹“Ever Vigilant”🐻🌹


🐻🌹“Ever Vigilant”🐻🌹
Judy Royal Glenn Photography

A mama’s job is never done. That includes

the black bear sow, especially when she has four cubs.

There is so much to do. She has to teach

them how to climb trees, find water and food sources, and protect them from

harm from male bears, coyotes, and bobcats. The list goes on and on.

Thanks for all you do!

Happy Mother’s Day:)

To purchase wildlife and nature fine art prints, please visit my website:

Location: Cades Cove, Tennessee in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park


#CadesCove #GreatSmokyMountainsNationalPark #blackbears #bearphotos #bearphoto #bearphotography #GSMNP #CadesCoveTennessee #blackbear #SmokyMountains #smokies #GreatSmokyMountains 

Monday, April 1, 2024

“A New Creation”

“A New Creation”

Judy Royal Glenn Photography


The Lord created so many beautiful creatures. Butterflies are one of my favs—monarchs at that.


Watching a caterpillar change to a chrysalis and then a chrysalis to a butterfly is an amazing process. Only God can do that.


Did you know a caterpillar turns into liquid mush? How can one creature turn into another? Only God.


Easter has come and gone, but the Lord’s steadfast love will always endure. He loves you very much and uniquely created you in your mother’s womb. How special you are to Him!


He loves you so much that He sent His only son, Jesus, to die on the cross for your sins. But it all had a great purpose: to ensure we have a place with Him in Heaven if we trust and believe in His son as our personal Lord and Savior. 


Trusting Him for our salvation is as simple as ABC.


 A — Admit that you are a sinner. (Romans 3:23)   

B — Believe that Jesus, God’s only son, was born and died on the cross for your sins. (Acts 16:31)

C — Confess and repent of your sins and ask Him to be the Lord of your life. (1 John 1:9) 


Like the butterflies, your new life will be an incredible transformation. “This means that anyone is in Christ; he is a new creation. The old has passed; behold, the new life has begun!” (2 Corinthians 5:17, NLT).


To purchase wildlife and nature fine art prints, please visit my website:

Location: The State Botanical Garden of Georgia

Saturday, March 23, 2024

“Stunned or Sleeping?”

“Stunned or Sleeping?”

Judy Royal Glenn Photography

Thursday before sunrise, while driving on Laurel Creek, I spotted something tiny in the road in the other lane. I passed by and immediately thought, is that an owl? I had to return to see if it was.

If the object were an owl, I did not want it to get hit by a car. It may have already been hit and just stunned or it could’ve been sleeping, but why wouldn’t an owl be sleeping on the road?

I finally found a place to turn around and returned to the object in the road. As I got closer, I noticed it was a screech owl. Screech owls are only 7 to 10 inches tall.

Since I parked in the middle of the road, I turned on my flashers. I took a video as I approached the owl. The owl never moved. I saw two cars approaching in the other lane, and waved my arms to slow them down and stop. I looked back to the owl. It turned his head, looked at me and flew away.

I was tickled to death. If I didn’t see anything else in Cades Cove, I would’ve been happy as a lark. Over several hours I shook my head at what I saw. I pray before I photograph and ask the Lord to show me or bring to me what he wants me to photograph. I also saw an immature bald eagle, a coyote, a bear, a bat, a wood duck, and plenty of deer and birds.

This morning, I didn’t know it would be to save a screech owl’s life. The Lord blesses me all the time!

Sorry it won't let me upload the video.

 To purchase wildlife and nature fine art prints, please visit my website:


Location: Great Smoky Mountains National Park

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