Judy Royal Glenn Photography
I left my house well before sunrise, so I could drive about an hour away to photograph at Little Mulberry Park. It is mating season for the Great Blue Heron, and they nest in the tall pine trees there.
I really did not get any great shots at sunrise but followed this heron around the lake. He flew across the lake to the dock I usually shoot from. I saw where he landed and quickly walked there. When I got to the dock, I could not find him. I quietly walked to both sides of the dock with no luck. I walked off the dock and took a few steps near the water then voilà he stepped out from around the dock. It kinda freaked me out a little because he was so close to me standing out in the open. I did not know what to do, and he did not know what to do either.
My tripod was on my camera, so I slowly brought the camera to my face and took a few photos. I then quickly zoomed out to get his whole body in the frame. He turned his head away from me, so I slowly put my tripod on the ground. He turned back towards me then flew away. I was happy to get a few shots!