Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Daffodil Hill

“Daffodil Hill”

Judy Royal Glenn Photography - No more emojis because it is causing too many problems in Ai.

When the forecast shows snow in Cades Cove, you never know how far down into the valley the snow will fall. Nonetheless, I love seeing the mountains with snow-capped peaks. It is breathtaking.

Daffodil Hill is a much sought place for photographers to photograph daffodils. The daffodils were hanging their heads as they weren’t excited about the cold weather that made them hang.

I was having difficulty photographing the daffodils at the angle that I wanted, so I took off my boot and placed it under my camera. The things I do to get the photo…

To purchase wildlife and nature fine art prints, please visit my website:



Location: Cades Cove, Tennessee, in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

🗻❄️“All Trails”❄️🗻

🗻❄️“All Trails”❄️🗻

Judy Royal Glenn Photography

When I saw this view, I knew I had to take a panorama. I loved seeing the trail down the center leading straight to the mountains. I love Cades Cove with all my heart.

To purchase wildlife and nature fine art prints, please visit my website:


Location: Cades Cove , in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park 

Thursday, March 13, 2025

🦉💙"Whooo Are You?"🦉💙


🦉💙"Whooo Are You?"🦉💙

Judy Royal Glenn Photography

I was thrilled to be able to photograph a Great Horned Owlet and his family. I could watch them forever. This is only the second time I’ve had the privilege of doing so.

Sometimes the best way to photograph him was by lying down. Sadly, they have fledged:(

He is a cutie! What do you think?

Please feel free to visit my website:


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#Tennesseewildlife #Tennessee #Christianphotography #Christianphotographer #naturephotographer #naturephotography  

Monday, March 10, 2025

🏔❄️“Snow Covered Peaks”🏔❄️


🏔❄️“Snow Covered Peaks”🏔❄️ - Cell phone photo day

Judy Royal Glenn Photography

I thoroughly enjoyed going to the Cove on Thursday and loved seeing the snow-covered mountain peaks. Snow makes the Cove even more beautiful.

I enjoyed hiking by myself, climbing over 15,000 steps, crossing streams, and observing stunning landscapes. Maybe these photos will help you feel like you were there:)🩵

Please feel free to visit my website:

Location: Cades Cove, Tennessee in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park


Wednesday, February 26, 2025

🦢❤️"Like a Charm”🦢❤️

🦢❤️"Like a Charm”🦢❤️

Judy Royal Glenn Photography

I love it when I can envision a shot. It doesn’t come easy, but I’m thrilled when the outcome is even better than expected.

Yesterday, I was photographing with friends when I noticed two swans near a red reflection from a barn in the pond. 


     “I want to photograph them in that,” I said as I pointed to the reflection. 

We took turns leading the swans to the reflection with food. When my friends walked away, I wanted to try one more time. I ran up the path and they followed, and then ran fast back to where I wanted to take the photo. It worked like a charm.

To purchase wildlife and nature fine art prints, please visit my website:


Monday, February 17, 2025

🤍🎊 “Heaven’s Confetti”🤍🎊

 🤍🎊 “Heaven’s Confetti”🤍🎊

 Royal Glenn Photography


*A robin enjoys its view of the snow coming down in Cades Cove, Tennessee. -


When I photograph in Cades Cove during the early morning, especially when it's snowing, there isn’t enough light, so I slow my shutter speed to prevent my photos from being noisy. This technique creates a beautiful effect, resembling white confetti falling from Heaven.


Please feel free to visit my website:


Location: Cades Cove, Tennessee in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park


#CadesCove #GreatSmokyMountainsNationalPark #GSMNP #CadesCoveTennessee #SmokyMountains #smokies #GreatSmokyMountains #Christianphotography  

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

🦋💧“Butterfly Buffet”🦋💧

🦋💧“Butterfly Buffet”🦋💧

Judy Royal Glenn Photography

I had quite a few gulf fritillary chrysalises over wintered in my garage on my plants. With a warming trend recently, three butterflies decided to come out. 

The photo shows my three butterflies feeding at their butterfly buffet which contains sugar water. I have a nice enclosure for them with several flowers also. 

My Butterfly Club named the first one Bailey and we have not named the other two yet:) Bailey is the butterfly with tattered wings. 

What shall I call the other two?

To purchase wildlife and nature fine art prints, please visit my website:



Location: Alcoa, Tennessee

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

🌫️🔥”From Fog to Fire”🌫️🔥

🌫️🔥”From Fog to Fire”🌫️🔥
Judy Royal Glenn Photography
Cellphone photos 2/3/25

*A prescribed burn took place yesterday in Cades Cove, Tennessee. I will post videos in a later post.

Yesterday, I enjoyed a wonderful day in the Cove with friends. The Cove is always beautiful, but watching it go from fog to fire was amazing. 

I’ve been to the Cove when they had a controlled burn, but I never tried documenting it because I was busy photographing wildlife. I enjoyed capturing all the different aspects, from laying down the fire to witnessing it up close. New growth will start occurring in weeks.

One of my favorite shots is of an ignition crew member from the Nature Conservancy uses a drip torch to start the fire. 

The National Park Service described the benefits of a controlled burn including: “reducing wildfire risk by managing fuel loads, restoring natural habitats for wildlife, controlling invasive species, maintaining cultural landscapes at historic sites, and promoting the growth of native plant species, all while ensuring safety for visitors, staff, and surrounding communities through careful planning and execution under optimal conditions.”

A volunteer stood near the fire, so I gave her a nicely pressed Tennessee mask. I also wore a mask for a good bit during the burn.

One lady pulled beside me, propped her elbow on her steering wheel, put her head on her fist, and sat watching the fire. If you’ve never been during a controlled burn, I’d suggest going if the smoke wouldn't bother you or make you sick. I think you’d like it.

Many more photos from the day showing the transformation of the Cove from fog to fire can be found on my Facebook photography page:


Please feel free to visit my website:


Location: Cades Cove, Tennessee in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

❄️💙"A Frosty Morn on Sparks Lane”❄️💙

❄️💙"A Frosty Morn on Sparks Lane”❄️💙

Judy Royal Glenn Photography

*Sparks Lane on a frosty morn in Cades Cove, Tennessee. November 2, 2023

It was a beautiful frosty morning in Alcoa, Tennessee, today. I can’t imagine what Cades Cove looks like. I am excited to get back to the Cove once the tree removal is finished. It’s been a few weeks since I’ve been there. 

To purchase wildlife and nature fine art prints, please visit my website:



Location: Cades Cove, Tennessee, in the Great Smoky Mountain National Park

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

❄️🩵 “The Beauty of Cades Cove in Snow” ❄️🩵

❄️🩵 “The Beauty of Cades Cove in Snow” ❄️🩵

Judy Royal Glenn Photography 


The beauty of Cades Cove in the snow is spectacular. I get so excited to see what is around every turn.


The cabins look beautiful in white, and the critters will sometimes have snow on their backs. If there is snow, I will be there!

To purchase wildlife and nature fine art prints, please visit my website:



Location: Cades Cove, in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Thursday, January 16, 2025

🐻🌿"Join the Fun!”🐻🌿


🐻🌿"Join the Fun!”🐻🌿
Judy Royal Glenn Photography 

*A black bear cub rides his mom’s back in Cades Cove, Tennessee. 

With all the talk about snow and cold weather, I thought everyone would like to look back on a photograph from a nice spring day on May 23, 2023.

I never know what is just around the corner to photograph, and that’s one of the reasons I love photography.

This day proved exciting as I found a black bear cub climbing on his mom‘s back, and his brother wanted to join him.

To purchase wildlife and nature fine art prints, please visit my website:



Location: Cades Cove, Tennessee in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park

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